Counter display night driving goggles

  • 12 pieces in the shopping cart correspond to one counter display
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Item No.: 30239
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Perfect presentation

Perfect presentation is essential at the POS in order to win the interest of customers in the product. Empty counter tops are often wasted space that could be better exploited to keep customers up-to-date on the latest products and encourage direct purchases. Our counter display is the perfect solution to meet this need. The display is filled with 12 night driving glasses, which optimise visibility at night and in bad weather conditions. The display cover also has pre-stamped folds allowing it to be easily folded into a header that shows additional product features.

Brand matched

Perfectly colour coordinated for the products on display, the counter display allows you to present selected items to customers in an optimum brand matched manner. In addition, the item brand is displayed directly at the POS, thus emphasising a positive image. This increases the interest of your customers.

Organised and saving space

Depending on the size of the individual items, the counter display provides space for presenting some 10-12 products. As a result it is both compact enough not to unnecessarily reduce or disturb the space at the point of sale, and large enough to create interest and attract the attention of customers. Inserts are slotted into the display so that differing items do not get mixed up together. The products are simply inserted into the pre-cut slots so that they always stay upright.

Article Measurements: nv
: 0,0200 kg

Radetzkystraße 114
6845 Hohenems
4.7 /5

4.71 out of 5 stars

7 of 7 reviews






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On: 11.12.2022

From: Shopkunde


Ist etwas eigenartig bei Nacht ein Brille zu tragen, aber es klappt kein Blendefekt. Besonders bei Regen man wird nicht geblendet alles in Gelb schilder sind gut zu sehen bis auf Grün der Ampeln wirken eher Blau aber man gewöhnt sich schnell dran. Gute Lösung

verified purchase

On: 09.04.2024

From: Shopkunde


Versprechen gehalten

verified purchase

On: 17.12.2024

From: Eric S.


Très bien

verified purchase

On: 31.12.2025

From: Hans-Dieter B.

alles bestens,gerne wieder

sehr gut

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On: 22.09.2022

From: Martin S.

Sollte man im Auto haben

Funktioniert tatsächlich sehr gut.

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On: 29.11.2023

From: Ernst S.

Nicht schlecht

Der Rahmen ist etwas schmal, die Brillengläser verringern tatsächlich die Blendung und Spiegelung bei nasser Fahrbahn.

verified purchase

On: 18.12.2024

From: Jean Fredy B.

gut und günstig, für brillenträger weniger geeignet.

gut nach testfahrt und günstig. es sollte unbedingt ein model für brillenträger angeboten werden.

verified purchase
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